Tuesday, March 10, 2009

when i was 10.....

When I was 10……

The last thing I’d think of before going to bed would be “Where can I dump the milk tomorrow?” Yes I’d be thinking of new ways to get rid of the glass of milk I was forced to drink everyday.
Now at 22 I think of diseases (my MSc specialization is applied medicine…what else can I think of?)”
“first salary….if I get a job that is!”
“why did ABC say that….what did she mean?”

The first thing I’d think of when I woke up would be “mum found out I’d poured it into the basin yesterday…..how does she know everything? I’ll flush it down the toilet today.”
Now at 22 the first thing I think of when I wake up is “I have to catch the 9:10 today, was late yesterday.”
“Must reach the library before XYZ, I want that book……that GODKAR is mine.”
“Should I talk to ABC today, what could she mean?”

On my way to school I’d be in a serious discussion with my friends “Arre….I pour mine into the flowerpots…….the plants drink it up for me n mom thinks it’s her new fertilizer.”
“oye! I don’t have any plants at home” :(
At 22…..in the train, “why is that woman staring at me? Oh she thinks she can beat me to that seat….high hopes lady.”
“Uff only if these fatsos could give me a little more place…..my butt isn’t as small as I think it is”
“Must start walking again.”

In school, “why can’t these mummies just let the calves have what’s rightfully theirs. The calf needs to be big and strong too. I bet mum dint think of this….i’ll talk to her about it today.”
At my lab in the present “kya dimaag ko shot! Who cares who that underwear belongs to? Or if its stained with blood or urine?”
“Ewwww….is it really someone’s underwear?”
“Where does forensics figure in applied medicine?”
“Am I writing an experiment or are we playing bridget jones’ diary?”

Back home from school……”I think I’ll plant this thing first…I can change later.”
“wait a minute….if I put it in my glass then mum cant gimme milk at all” “yayyyyy!! I’m a genius”
At 22 “I bet that sweet speech wasn’t meant for us, she thinks we dint notice how ‘MSc 2 batch’ was added as subscript after every sentence”

How I wish I was 10 again……


  1. hilarious......
    i just f*****g loved it!!!!!
    way 2 go ..saaaammmmm
    i wish..."sheeee"u know who and "ms.bumble bee"reads it..
    i so so so so so loved it..

  2. hey sam,i just loved it....they brought back the sweet memories of me planng to dump that glass of milk too n btw i still manage to it!!!!

  3. lucky u varshe!!! i still have to drink mine.....thanks to my mum's maidspy!!! :(
